Next up in my late to be blogged, but not forgotten 2020 Seniors 😬 Is this sweet girl! Her laugh was infectious and it was a joy to get to know her. ALSO I was super stoked when she and her mother informed me that the second session would be taking place on their property that happened to be a location I have been wanting to shoot at for years! Caroline you are a special soul and I hope you achieve all you set your heart on ❤️
Oh man the first time I met Kaitie I knew she was going to be fun to photograph. I loved her outfit and she was a natural poser. I remember her mentioning she wanted to do a snow session for her second session. Her mom wasn't as keen on that idea but I said I was down for anything so let me know! They decided to go with a fall session instead of snow.... but you wouldn't know it if I hadn't told you!!! They picked the COLDEST day in November with a 17 degree wind chill and snow everywhere! Kaitie ended up getting what she wanted in the end but her sweet little hands and legs paid for it! We seriously almost called it quits halfway through because it was so cold, but Kaitie channeled all her will power and pushed on! These seniors I tell ya... they are amazing! Congrats Kaitie on making it through one of the weirdest years of school! Hope college is all you want it to be ❤️
Oh man do I love photographing seniors in the spring!! Madi opted for part II of her senior session to take place in the spring and I couldn't have been more excited. The light, the flowers, and her beauty...WOWZA! Congrats Madi on your graduation in this crazy time! I hope you achieve all the things you set your mind on 💕 Part II of Chloe's senior session was COLD & WINDY!!! But she did amazing as usual ❤️ Chloe was a 2020 Senior model and rocked every session. Chloe I hope your senior year has been amazing and I can't believe it is flying by so fast! Thanks for letting me capture your beauty.
Madi is one of our beautiful 2020 senior models and so fun to photograph! She is gorgeous, sweet and I can't wait to photograph her again this spring for part II of her senior session 🌺❤️
It was such an honor to photograph this beauty who also happens to be my neighbor! Jessica has the best smile with the cutest dimples and she has a rocking serious face too!
Chloe is one of our senior models this year! She is also a family friend, and I photographed her sister's senior I was stoked when I heard she was joining our senior model program. Man, I love photographing Chloe, she falls right into posing, is super easy and obviously gorgeous <3 I can't wait for her second session coming up soon!
Will someone pinch me!! I swear I am dreaming because I get the most beautiful clients <3 Audrey and her gorgeous hair, eyes, and smile made my day!
December 2024