I had the joy of photographing little Miss Scarlett earlier this summer for her 1 year old pictures. She is such a sweetheart and I was thrilled that her mommy wanted me to photograph the rest of the family this fall. We got to try out a new location which was absolutely stunning with the changing fall leaves. The boys had a lot of fun exploring the hills and river bed and keeping me on my toes! I won't pretend that the session was unicorns and butterflies the whole time :) with young children you never know what you are going to get and I JUST HAD to edit the last image of this blog. I don't even know why Scarlett was so upset but the picture is comical to me as a mom and a photographer because if you have done family pictures with young children you can relate 100%! The boys are over it, Dad is rocking the set in stone smile, and Mom....well you can see it on her face. Even though it's not "perfect", it is perfect to me. I feel this photo represents me as a photographer. I like to give my clients the posed images with a mix of "real" moments, that they can cherish and possibly laugh at for years to come. Thank you Lindsay for sharing your family with me!
This family was a breeze! They did everything I asked and were amazing in group shots! I don't think I had to swap one head which is amazing for a family of 7! (Swapping heads, for those who don't know, is a trick done in editing. You take multiple shots of an image, then pick the best heads and put them all into one) I love the black and white images of the sisters in a group, I really enjoy catching "real" moments. I think the images turned out beautifully, you guys have a good looking family!
Young Samuel decided to take a nap on his way to the shoot...every person who is a parent is thinking "uh oh". Add in the brisk fall breeze and let's just say, Samuel wasn't my biggest fan at first. He eventually came out of the sleepy time funk and became a unstoppable ball of energy. He definitely kept me on my toes...but that age normally does :) Even though most of his shots were on the move...I think we got some cute ones!
Meet the George family! Jennifer contacted me to help them deliver some exciting news! I was honored to be selected for the task. This family was as darling as ever and those boys are going to be the best big brothers EVER! Little Hayden wanted to do everything his big brother did. He did an amazing job even though sometimes he “just couldn’t” smile for me lol. Sometimes that is big request for 3 year olds… I know I currently have one. They were super patient with me and even braved the tall grass and bugs (Hunter was NOT a fan). After we got all the boring pictures out of the way we set them loose with the superhero capes I brought along. Those boys were cracking me up. There is a picture below that is definitely soft but I HAD to use it because little Hayden is doing his karate chops in the background. I can still hear his little karate “cha cha” sounds. I had so much fun at this session. Thanks guys for choosing me and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
This sweet family braved the early hours of the morning to get the light of the sunrise in their images. Julie chose a location that was near and dear to her heart for this session. We headed out to the country to her great-grandmother’s old house. Julie thought it would be neat since she has so many great memories from childhood there and her daughter is named after her great-grandmother. Precious Opal is turning one. Opal had me on pins and needles as she precariously looked over the edge of the chair. She provided us with tons of smiles and a few early morning screams, lol, not mad screams, just screams to scream. Adults don’t you wish we could do that anytime we wanted to? Caleb was a great big brother and was amazingly patient. What a cute little guy!!
This is my good friend Deena and her darling little family. I’ve been taking pictures of her since sweet Hailey was in her belly :) We were discussing ideas for their session and Deena said, "I have lots of props at my house, not a great view, but lots of props!" I said, “Well, I’ll swing by your place first to look through them and then we’ll head to the park.” I got to her house and was in LOVE! Boy was she wrong! Everything was amazing, from the porch, to the grassy hill on the other side of the road! I’d like to say a GIANT thank you to Zac for pointing out there was poison ivy everywhere on that hill before I made them sit in it...that could have been VERY bad! I know what poison ivy looks like, but I don’t get it, so sometimes I forget to look YIKES! Their kitty kept photo bombing our session and Hailey did amazing for this being her 2nd session in 2 days. She even came up with some fun poses with her mom. The car in the photos belonged to Deena’s father who unexpectedly passed away recently. She LOVES that car and the memories attached to it. I loved that we were able to capture a piece of him in this family session <3
Wow ! What an awesome session! We had an amazing day to take photos and these two were great to work with! Hailey arrived a few minutes after her dad, and the minute her feet hit the ground she went running up to him flinging herself into his arms with the biggest smile. At that moment I knew this session would be amazing! I was also thinking, "Dang, why is my camera still in my bag?!" The natural moments between these two were great and the sweetness and love was overwhelming during this shoot. While I was taking the grass image below I saw Hailey whisper "I Love You" while looking down at her daddy, I have no words for how sweet that moment was. I am totally in love with this session and as one of my FB followers commented, "What a treasure this will be to her {Hailey} one day."
December 2024